The Sanderson Sisters

Within the annals of Origin's intricate history, primary accounts from residents serve as invaluable data sources in the ongoing study of the Thompson anomaly. Our first series of case study interviews centers on the Sanderson sisters: Judy and Nellie.

Judy Sanderson

Judy Sanderson has been an active participant in Origin's community, maintaining intricate networks of interpersonal relationships that make her a prime informant. Ms. Sanderson formerly resided adjacent to the Thompson property and offers first-hand observations on Mrs. Thompson's behavioral patterns, particularly the notable deviations in the years preceding the family's enigmatic disappearance.

Nellie Sanderson

Conversely, Nellie Sanderson represents a segment of Origin's populace that thrives in its peripheries. Residing in the seclusion of the Origin Mountains, Nellie possesses an extensive reservoir of knowledge regarding the town's historical intricacies, albeit often conveyed in an obfuscated manner. Despite the sisters' contrasting approaches to information dissemination, each contributes a unique perspective to our growing understanding of the Thompson case and Origin's broader mysteries.


Larry Harlow & The Gamma Expedition Footage