Siobhan Donahue: Ectomorphic Fusion Syndrome

GAMMA EXPEDITION-1985: Siobhan Donahue, along with a missionary group of six, entered the Thompson Extension, intending to find the spiritual essence of the place.

Within the intricate maze of the Extension, most drapes serve merely as veils for empty walls or doorways to other rooms. Yet in one distinct chamber, Siobhan found that not all curtains concealed such mundane sights.

Siobhan and her group formed a prayer circle, seeking solace in unity. As the final amen echoed, an inexplicable urge grew her to one particular curtain, compelling her to peer behind it.

She described the Stygian Void beyond as ‘devoid of God’, an emptiness so profound that it struck her core. It was a blackness that no light, not even divine could penetrate. Some theorise the Extension is, in reality expanding into this Stygian Void, accounting for its immeasurable size.

After her encounter, Siobhan reported a pervasive numbness, a hollowness that matched the void she had witnessed. Weeks after leaving the Extension, this feeling intensified, and she was diagnosed with Ectomorphic Fusion Syndrome. (EFS)

What is Ectomorphic Fusion Syndrome?

Ectomorphic Fusion Syndrome is a rare neurological disorder characterised by the patient’s delusional belief and perception of merging or fusing with their surroundings. The condition often stems from profound traumatic experiences related to feelings of emptiness, isolation, or exposure to vast void-like spaces.

Siobhan began to feel an unquenchable need to “expand” herself. Initially it was subtle; she started eating more, feeling the need to physically grow and fill her perceived emptiness.

Eating did not satisfy the compulsion. Siobhan began body modification. at first, it was minor implants. However, her modifications became more grotesque and invasive, as if she was trying to make herself larger, more sprawling, less human.

Over the next several months, Siobhan’s behaviour grew increasingly erratic and her family grew concerned. However, nothing could have prepared them for the horrifying discovery they’d make.

While her parents’ home underwent its own extension, a noxious and foul odour began wafting up from the crawl space.

When they went to investigate, they uncovered a scene of horror.

In a grotesque attempt to sustain herself, she had rerouted the home’s water supply and waste disposal pipes directly in  to her oesophagus. The gnarled abrasions on her limbs suggested she had wedged herself within the confines of the foundations, amongst a maze of pipe work.

The scene was made all the more tragic when officials deduced what gad transpired:Siobhan’s father, plagued by advancing Dementia, had unwittingly left a tap running for days. Couple with the ingestion Fromm the waste disposal pipe, Siobhan’s body had swelled, leading to her tragic death.

The harrowing impact of her encounter with the Stygian Void had also left an indelible mark on the very foundations of the Donahue family home.

Siobhan Donahue



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