Emily Lane: Waxy Flexibility Exposure

1983: Emily Lane, a cherished babysitter of the Thompsons.

On the evening in question, Emily was babysitting for the Thompson children. It is now believed that the Thompson children took Emily into the Extension.

Upon Mr and Mrs Thompson returning home, they found Emily unresponsive, repeatedly counting, her eyes covered by her hands. Her parents were called immediately, as were the emergency services who took Emily to hospital.

She was diagnosed with Waxy Flexibility Catatonia- a neuropsychiatric condition causing prolonged static postures- and Stereotypy, leading to repetitive, non-goal directed movements. Both conditions are often onset by severe trauma or stress.

Over the years in care, Emily never stopped counting nor did she uncover her eyes, remaining in this peculiar state until this year. The next photograph was taken moments after Emily emerged from her catatonic state. Her first words-

“Ready or not, here I come!”

Emily is now missing and considered highly dangerous.


Gerald Vincent Harper: Pineal Dysregulation Syndrome


Maggie Caldwell: Melanotic Exudative Syndrome