Dr. Hiroshi Nkamura: Sirenic Cravings Syndrome

KAPPA EXPEDITION- 1988: Hiroshi Nakamura was a respected geologist and research scientist who led an ambitious expedition into The Thompson Extension.

Venturing 3.2 TDK into the Extension, Hiroshi unexpectedly became detached from his team. Drawn by an intriguing scent, he found himself in a section of the Extension that has since been dubbed, “The Culinary Conclave,” or “Mrs Thompson’s Dream Kitchen.”

Unlike any other part of the Extension, these series of interconnected kitchens exuded a warm familiar scent. Entranced, Hiroshi felt an inexplicable connection to the place and the mysterious aroma it radiated. However, he was unable to find the genesis of the fragrance.

After leaving the Thompson Extension, Hiroshi was plagued by a relentless, gnawing hunger. Yet, every smell and taste of oridinary food became revolting, causing intense nausea.

He became gaunt, his energy levels dwindling. Sleep provided no solace, as he was tormented by vivid dreams of Mrs Thompson’s Dream Kitchen, that distinct aroma being the centrepiece of his nocturnal torment.

Hiroshi was trapped in a cruel paradox: starving, yet unable to stomach the very thing he needed most. The only reprieve, he believed, lay in the genesis of that tantalising aroma.

As such, Hiroshi became fixated on reproducing the peculiar scent he encountered. His meals grew increasingly experimental, combing eclectic ingredients in the hopes of mimicking the aroma that had so profoundly affected him.

Dr. Hiroshi Nakamura


A concerned relative, after several unanswered calls, entered Hiroshi’s apparmtnet to a bone-chilling scene. Hiroshi sat, horribly mutilated, at his kitchen table. His face bore a content smile that starkly contrasted the ghastly state of his body.Before him, a stained bowl sat empty, and the residue in a nearby saucepan revealed the macabre truth.

Hiroshi had surgically removed parts of his own anatomy, including reproductive organs, a segment of his lung, his tongue and a slice of his liver. These very pieces were found as the core ingredients in the stew he had so meticulously prepared.

Hours after the discovery, as his life ebbed away, those present noted Hiroshi’s serene countenance, his demise punctuated by a deeply satisfied burp.

Hiroshi’s actions have since been diagnosed as the severe progression of Sirenci Craving Syndrome, (S.C.S) the condition, still little understood presents symptoms of extreme obsession with recreating the olfactory experiences triggered in the Extension.

Current hypotheses suggest that the Culinary Conclave exudes biochemical agent that bind to the brain’s neural receptors, while other speculate about psychological triggers.

Dr. Hiroshi Nakamura’s tragic end serves as a poignant remind of the Extension’s unknown facets, and the urgent need for more research


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