The Vanishing of Officer Benjamin Barnes: A Mournful Melody and the Mystifying Skewbald Mare

Officer Benjamin Barnes' perplexing disappearance adds another layer to the unsettling mysteries associated with the Thompson Extension. Called to the Thompson residence for what should have been a routine investigation, Officer Barnes spent hours inside the enigmatic locale. The following day, he abruptly took sick leave, complaining of an indefinable feeling of unwellness.

Just three days later, he and his family went missing. The last person known to have spoken with him was his mother, Barbara Barnes, an elderly Oregon native. In her own words, "Well, Ben showed up at my doorstep, middle of the night, kids in tow. Lord, the sound comin' from that car was somethin' fierce—like a keening, a mournful wail that chills me to think of. He was all worked up, beggin' me to pack up and go with 'em. I told him straight, with my angina, I can't be runnin' off on a whim. He kept mutterin' something 'bout goin' to see the 'Skewbald Mare.'"

While the Barnes family's whereabouts are still shrouded in mystery, a roll of film developed from Officer Barnes' camera might offer some clues. The images may hold the key to understanding the baffling concept or entity referred to as the "Skewbald Mare." Officer Barnes' case stands as a haunting testament to the unexplainable forces that seem to emanate from the depths of the Thompson Extension, pulling in those who venture too close.


1.3 The Unfathomable Medical Mysteries: Case Studies of the Damned and the Cursed


Linda Mayer: Sporadic Fatal Insomnia