Jim Burton & The XI Expedition Catastrophe

As the Thompson Extension continues to baffle and terrify, few incidents within its enigmatic walls are as perplexing as the calamitous fate of the XI Expedition. Jim Burton, a retired firefighter from Origin, finds himself entangled in this episode, not as a hapless victim but as a key eyewitness with a hypothesis that challenges the scientific community's current understanding.

A firefighter experienced in rescue missions and emergency situations, Jim was dispatched to the Thompson Extension following the sudden deaths of the XI Expedition team members. They had been wearing Perceptual Integrity Interfaces (P.I.I.), devices designed to insulate them from the Extension's harmful effects. Ironically, all team members, except for one, Karl Wojciechowski, were found dead, their P.I.I. interfaces still functioning but inexplicably lethal.

An audio recording made shortly after Karl's rescue captures him repeating a haunting verse in Polish. Within hours after the recording was made, he succumbed to an "unspecified neurological collapse," per medical records.

Those who've had the unsettling experience of listening to this audio file describe an intense feeling of dread, as if momentarily connected to an unfathomable void. The transcript of Karl's last words stands as an enigmatic epitaph to the mysteries surrounding the Thompson Extension.

Interview 1

[In Polish]:"Widzę przestrzeń bez końca, ucieczki nie ma miejsca, jesteśmy w żywym piekle."

[English Translation]"I see space without end, there is no place for escape, we are in a living hell."


Joyce Williams & The Transformation of Sarah Thompson
