Drs. Lila and Daniel Matheson: Puerile Regression Syndrome

MU EXPEDITION- 1991: Daniel and Lila were part of an expert surveying team that ventured into the Thompson Extension. Upon their exploration, they chanced upon a section that would later be termed as, “The Helical Descent System.”

The vast network of slides twist and twirl around, seemingly descending into the bowels of the Extension. Originally believed to be built for the Thompson children, experts now theorise the slides might have served as a transportation mechanism or held another significant purpose.

Daniel and Lila decided to explore the H.D.S. Equipped with advanced segmented ropes made from ultra-light, super strong composite material, they measured the depth. Though the total length was a staggering 5TDK, they assumed Daniel wouldn’t use all of it.

Daniel, attached to the rope, began his descent. The deeper he ventured, the more the rope unravelled. To the team’s astonishment, the entire 5TDK of rope was used up. A frantic effort began to retrieve Daniel.

When hauled up, Daniel was physically unharmed but psychologically altered. He couldn’t articulate what he saw in the pitch-black depths, but a haunted sense of nearing “something” was evident in his distraught eyes.

Days after leaving the Thompson Extension, Daniel started showing signs of cognitive regression. his actions, speech, and behaviour became increasingly infantile. Daniel was eventually diagnosed with “Puerile Regression Syndrome, (P.R.S) This rare condition is characterised by a return to childlike behaviours, emotional instability and cognitive impairment.

Lila, despite not venturing into the H.D.S, began showing signs of shared psychosis- “Folie a Deux”. She became increasingly protective and nurturing of Daniel, treating him not as a husband, but as an infant.

Nine months after visiting the Extension, Lila was rushed to hospital, her excruciating pain mistaken for childbirth. But what emerged from Lila’s body defied belief and shocked the medical team.

Lila had delivered a lifeless adult body, shrunken and mummified, recognisable as her late husband, Daniel.

An investigation revealed the ghastly procedure Lila undertook.

Daniel had been meticulously bound, drained of fluids and slowly dried in a low-heat kiln, shrinking his body to the size of an infant. Lila had then instead the preserved corpse into her womb. The entire process was executed with chilling precision.

Daniel had felt like a child trapped in an adult’s body, and in a twisted, harrowing way, thats precisely how he would be remembered: trapped inside his wife’s body.

Daniel Matheson



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