Jenny Jenkins: Endoexposure Syndrome

1992: Reports indicate that Jenny and her partner were lured into the sealed Thompson Extension by tales of its aphrodisiac qualities.

The Aphrodisiac Phenomenon occours 1.8TDK (Thompson Den Kilometres) into the Extension. The chambers in this area are populated by enigmatic sculptures. Their forms, a blend of organic and geometric have resisted all attempts at classification by standard material tests.

However, once ensnared by this allure, a secondary and far more malevolent resonance is activated: one that initiates Endoexposure Syndrome. This can be interpreted both as a literal physical inversion and a metaphorical unveiling of the deepest vulnerabilities one experiences in a blossoming relationship.

In recent scientific analyses, the sculptures have been found to emit dual resonances. The primary resonance, acting as a potent aphrodisiac, appears to lure individuals closer. This seductive frequency has drawn many visitors, especially those in the throes of burgeoning romance, making it a magnet for Origin’s local adolescents.

Endoexposure Syndrome (E.S) is an ultra-rare medical condition where the body begins to turn itself inside out, starting at a cellular level before manifesting externally. The epidermis (outer layer of skin) begins to invert, while internal organs progressively move towards the surface.

This creates a grotesque appearance, and the victim often experiences extreme pain, discomfort and vulnerability as their internal organs become exposed. If not treated or halted, the process can be fatal as essential organs lose their protection and functionality. Shockingly however, despite being in the final stage of this horrifying syndrome, (Post Eversion Terminality) Jenny continues to live. She is presently cared for by her father.


Drs. Lila and Daniel Matheson: Puerile Regression Syndrome


Dr. Eleanor Sinclair