Dr. Eleanor Sinclair:

OMIKRON EXHIBITION- 1994: Dr. Eleanor Sinclair was a celebrated biophysicist, famed for her empirical methods and pioneering work in bioremediation. Drawn to the mystique of the Thompson extension, Sinclair armed with her scientific curiosity, would soon fall victim to a horrifying transformation that defied explanation.

The “Homeschool” is found 3.7 TDK within the Thompson Extension. It exudes an unsettling ambience, a haunting fusion of domestic comfort and stern educational austerity.

While it contains chairs, desks and educational materials one would expect in a full-scale institution, it is purportedly designed for thenattenance of just two children- Sarah and Betty Thompson, who both regularly attended Origin School until their disappearance.

Accompanied by a seasoned team from various disciplines, dr. Sinclair ventured into the perplexing Thompson extension. While the early part of the expedition went uneventfully, the discovery of a blackboard within the Homeschool marked a profound and alarming shift in her demeanour- setting in motion a chain of unprecedented outcomes.

Post-expeditiion, Dr Sinclair was haunted by unyielding intrusive thoughts. She felt an overpowering compulsion to “complete my assignment,” a need that activated with unsettling precision only when she was in a home environment. Although she never acted on this compulsion, the very thought of what it might lead her to do terrified her to the core. So much so, that she voluntarily committed herself to a psychiatric facility. strikingly, upon her admission to the hospital, her compulsion and intrusive thoughts ceased entirely, confirming that her condition was intricately tied to the concept of home.

Medical professionals, baffled by her condition eventually labelled it , “Intrusive Cognitive Echo, (I.C.E) This novel syndrome was defined as a psychological ailment induced by specific environmental triggers, leading to overwhelming behaviour compulsions.

Realising she was falling into a new psychological abyss, Dr. Sinclair chose the wilderness as her next refuge. Untouched by her past, devoid of familiar landmarks, the forest’s of Origin offered her what she believed was the best chance to finally escape the haunting triggers of her condition.

Initially, the isolation seemed a balm for Sinclair’s frayed nerves. Yet, with the horrifying events that would later transpire, one can’t help but speculate that the tent she pitched evolved emotionally for her. Perhaps it ceased to be just a makeshift shelter and began to bear the emotional weight of “Home".” triggering the revival of her deeply ingrained and unsettling compulsion.

1996: A small fire was detected in Origin Forest, situated on the outskirts of town. The blaze was spotted by a local ranger during a routine surveillance.

When investigators sifted through the charred remains of Dr. Sinclair’s tent, they initially found what appeared to be a conventional incineration: a body shape reduced to soot and ash. Yet, during the autopsy, the medical team unearthed an appalling aberration.

Hidden beneath this ashen veneer was a crystalline skeletal form unlike anything they had ever seen, comprised solely of Carbon. This chilling spectacle left seasoned experts stupefied; the transformation deified biological, physical and chemical understanding.

Adjacent to the charred tent, investigators found a makeshift laboratory similar to those used in Meth production. Yet, instead of illicit substances, this lab was geared for a different kind of alchemy.

Analysis suggested that Sinclair may have manipulated a form of enzymatic reaction to eliminate all non-carbon elements from her body. The foundational enzyme, eerily enough, mirrored those used in bioremediation processes- Dr. Sinclair’s very own pioneering work prior to entering the Extension.

Intensifying the mystery surrounding the case, Dr. Sinclair’s parents received a posthumous letter from their late daughter, which read, “ISOLATE YOUR ESSENTIAL ELEMENT” Assignment: COMPLETE. Please submit me to the Homeschool.”

This disturbing proclamation has fuelled speculation that her inexplicable transformations a deliberate act, driven by an obscure directive she may have encountered on the blackboard within the Homeschool.

The whereabouts of Dr. Sinclair’s unique corpse remain shrouded in mystery. some whisper that her parents might have acquiesced to their daughter’s wished, but these whispers remain uncorroborated.

The next photograph features a low-resolution image purportedly showing the crystallised remains of Dr. Eleanor Sinclair. This image was anonymously submitted by an individual who claims to have gained unauthorised access to the now-restricted Thompson Extension and its elusive Homeschool.

In a bid to escape the relentless torment of I.C.E, Dr. Sinclair took refused on the streets of Origin. She found temporary solace in the chaotic transient environment where the term, “Home” held no significant weight.

She inhabited makeshift shelters, from dilated buildings to deserted alleyways, always on the move to elude the psychological clothes of her past.

However, as days turned into weeks, the city itself, imbued with childhood memories and a lifetime of experiences, began to take on the emotional weight of “Home.” The very familiarity of the streets, buildings, and even the faces she passed by daily became a new kind of torment, subtly pulling at the threads of her tenuous mental state.


Jenny Jenkins: Endoexposure Syndrome